Final Fantasy III for Android

Final Fantasy III is the third installment in the Final Fantasy series, developed by Square Co., Ltd., and released on the Nintendo Family Computer (Famicom). It was officially released outside of Japan for the first time when it was remade for the Nintendo DS.
Up until 2006, Final Fantasy III was the only installment in the series to have never seen official English localization, and the only one of the early numbered Final Fantasy games to not see a port or remake. There had been an earlier plan to remake the game for Bandai’s WonderSwan Color handheld, but the developers faced difficulties converting the original Famicom version’s cartridge size to the WonderSwan Color, leading to several delays and eventually cancellation after the platform’s premature death. An enhanced remake for the Nintendo DS handheld system was released in 2006 in Japan and the U.S., and subsequently released in other parts of the world in 2007. In 2011, the DS version was ported on iOS with improved graphics.Also in 2012, the iOS version was ported to Android.ย ( Sumber


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nahh pasti udah tau kan game nya kek gmana

oke langsung aja yah . buat yang mo download bisa klik link dibawah ini ๐Ÿ™‚



Lucky Patcher

NB : benerin dolo linknya ๐Ÿ˜€


1. Copy TB files ke titaniumbackup folder, restore apk+data
2. Copy the obb folder ke android/obb
3. Buka Lucky patcher, and remove license verification, select auto true
4. Buka Lucky patcher, and remove license verification, select auto fast
5. Buka Lucky patcher, and select remove fix
6. Jalankan FF3, jika tulisan udah Square Enix logo, selamat agan sukses, tapi jikalau tidak lanjut ke step 7
7. setelah 4, coba jalankan FFIII dengan wifi. seharusnya agan bisa lihat Square Enix logo, tutup aplikasi, matikan wifi, lanjut ke step 5, lalu jalankan FFIII
Restart hh agan dengan wifi off, dan coba jalankan FF3 tanpa menghidupkan wifi.

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bigthanks & credit to : Agan Whysoserious & Sumber

ย Sorry kalo repost , ane hanya ingin sekedar berbagi ๐Ÿ˜‰

oke di tunggu komen nya all

kalau ada masalah komen aja ๐Ÿ˜€

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